For your convenience
www.aarp.org (Organization for People Age 50 and Over)
www.alz.org (Alzheimers Association)
www.autism-society.org (Improving lives for people with autism)
www.biausa.org (Brain Injury Association of America)
www.cancer.org (American Cancer Society)
www.diabetes.org (American Diabetes Association)
www.disabilitylink.org (Center for rights & resources for those with disabilities)
www.dch.georgia.gov (GA Department of Community Health)
www.eldercarelink.com (Various information regarding elder care)
www.feedingtubeawareness.org (Feeding Tube Information)
www.gaccp.org (GA Association of Community Care Providers)
www.hearingloss.org (Hearing Loss Association of America)
www.heart.org (American Heart Association)
www.hospicefoundation.org (Hospice Information)
www.komen.org (Susan G. Komen website)
www.lung.org (Website for suffers of lung & breathing issues)
www.nationalmemoryscreening.org (Website to screen for memory loss)
www.nwgrc.org (Area agency on aging for Northwest Georgia)
www.nwgapublichealth.org (CCSP)
www.p2pga.org (Website for parents with children with disabilities)
www.parkinsons.org (Information on Parkinsons disease)
www.preventelderabuse.org (Information on elder abuse)
www.romega.com (Rome Chamber of Commerce)
www.stroke.org (National Stroke Association)
www.source-ga.org (Source Care Management)
www.uhs-pruitt.com (Unihealth Source)
veterans.georgia.gov (VA Benefits)
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